JEB Polled Gizmo

Homozygous Polled Purebred

Semen Price

$20 per unit

  • Leading sire for maternal strength and that all important daughters stayability trait

  • One of the most widely used sires in the breed with over 2,300 progeny recorded at the American Gelbvieh Association

Registration Number: 264903

Birth Weight78
205 Day ADJ Wt640
365 Day ADJ Wt1163
Mature Wt1960
Yearling Frame6.5
Yearling Scrotal35 cm
Cane Code16GVT788

        Floto (Florett)

ATM Tejas Rolls Roych 868

        FDA Miss Arata 868K (Magnum)

        LAR Mr Sensation 506S (P. Sensation)

JEB Ms Sensation 31X

        IHF Miss Hamburg 4U (Hochrein)