VRT Bold Move K798

Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled (30%) Balancer

Semen Price

$35 per unit

  • One of the most complete, balanced and fault free individuals with excellent foot structure

  • Incredible EPD profile featuring top 10% or above on calving ease, growth, total maternal and feeder profit

  • Lot 14 Thorstenson Lazy TV Ranch 42nd Bull Sale

Registration Number: 1539453

Birth Weight84
205 Day ADJ Wt688
365 Day ADJ WT1314
Yearling Frame5.8
Yearling Scrotal40.5 cm
Cane Code316GV21

        KCF Bennett Boulder (KCF Bennett The Rock A473)

VRT Lazy TV Pebbles G564

       VRT Lazy TV Ms Identity C399 (Lazy TV Identity Crisis)

       SAV Rainfall 6846 (Coleman Charlo 0256)

VRT Lazy TV Ms Rainfall H339

       VRT Lazy TV Ms Crater B203 (Lazy TV Crater Z301)