MCCA Capitol Hill 516C

Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled (25%) Balancer

Semen Price

$25 per unit

  • Incredible mass, substance and structural correctness

  • Excellent blend of calving ease, growth, maternal strength and carcass merit

  • Capitol Hill’s 9 year old fertility plus Dam of Merit Dam features a 353 annual calving interval with superb teat and udder quality

Registration Number: 1310918

Birth Weight84
205 Day ADJ Wt738
365 Day ADJ WT1274
Yearling Frame5.9
Yearling Scrotal38.9 cm
Cane Code16GV2705

        SAV Bismarck 5682 (Grid Maker)

SAV Brilliance 8077

        SAV Blackcap May 5270 (Traveler 004)

        BCC Bushwacker 41-93 (P. Ambush 2172)

MCCA Yasmine

        ADDG Tequila Rose (Extra Rose)

Notable Genetics
Powerhouse Yearling Capitol Hill Son