LRSF High Life H64

Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled (53.1%) Balancer

Semen Price

$35 per unit

  • In terms of power, width, depth, dimension and eye appeal High Life offers you the total package

  • Note High Life’s awesome EPD profile featuring top 1% growth with an excellent blend of calving ease, maternal strength, and feeder profit index

  • Fertility advantage: 368 day calving interval 7 year old dam

Registration Number: 1494241

Birth Weight87
205 Day ADJ Wt666
365 Day ADJ WT1394
Yearling Scrotal38.1 cm
Cane Code272GV0147

        Sandpoint Butkus X797 (G. Maker 4603)

JKGF Ditka C85

        JKGF Ladybug A012 (JKGF 12U)

        DLW Edison 6718X (Kingpin 6718S)

SINK Ms Edison

       SINK 512U (Advantage 5214)