JRI Real McCoy 270E23

Black, Homozygous Polled (50%) Balancer

Semen Price

$30 per unit

  • Proven calving ease Resource son producing incredible beef packing machine sons and exceptional calf raising machine daughters

  • Scale busting 1,105 lb actual weaning weight off his 8-year-old Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction honored dam.

  • Real McCoy’s awesome progeny report features a calving ease 98 birth weight ration with triple-digit rations for weaning, yearling, ribeye, IMF, and daughter-producing ability.

Registration Number: 1400988

Birth Weight90
205 Day ADJ Wt831
365 Day ADJ wt1341
Yearling Frame 5.4
Yearling Scrotal40.9 cm
Cane Code16GV3347

        RITO 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 (Ideal 3407)

SAV Resource 1441

        SAV Blackcap May (SAV May 2397)

        JRI Journey 207S74 (JRI Ms 207N64)

JRI Ms Secret Crush 270W93

       JRI Ms Extra Sweet 270M83 (JRI Ms 270K73)