KHR 03F Eclipse

Homozygous Polled Purebred

Semen Price

$35 per unit

  • Diluter free homozygous polled purebred (99.9%) Cornhusker Red son

  • Tremendous calving ease with an excellent blend of growth, maternal strength and carcass value

  • Early progeny report looks mighty impressive

Registration Number: 1424415

Birth Weight86
205 Day ADJ Wt777
365 Day ADJ Wt1310
Mature Frame5.5
Mature Scrotal43 cm
Cane Code109GV180

        RWG Traction 7412 (Kitty 21N)

MCCA Cornhusker Red 524C

        MCCA Ziva Z24 (Martha W6)

       KHR 25A (KHR 156Y)

KHR 613D

        KHR 435B (KHR 918W)