SKYC Skys Encore 7086E

Heterozygous Polled (56%) Balancer bull

Semen Price

$30 per unit

  • The 2019 National Champion Balancer Bull.  Exceptional power, volume, and foot size in a moderate frame with tremendous presence and eye appeal

  • Encore should sire heavy weaning weight calves with growth EPD strength in the breed’s top 25% for weaning and yearling weight

Registration Number: 1406048

Birth Weight83
205 Day ADJ Wt733
Cane Code106GV4535

       CTR Sandman 6523S (CTR 198L)

SKYM Foreman 2002Z

        BAG Miss Unquestionable 35U (Bando 1961)

        HALB M904 ET (M. Gambler)

HMR Cherry’s Delight 29Y

        BCFG Butlers Cherry 505T1 ET (C. Canyon)